Does your home have good air quality?
February 21, 2023

When was the last time you thought about indoor air quality?

With the majority of our lives spent indoors, we must be aware that this environment poses just as much of a threat to air quality than outdoor pollutants. According to EPA findings, indoor air can be shockingly contaminated and up to five times worse in toxicity levels compared with what's outside! Protecting ourselves from these dangerous particles is necessary for sustaining both short-term health benefits but long-term well being too.

Did you know that what’s happening in your home doesn't just affect the walls and flooring, but it can also have an impact on something more fundamental: The air quality? Everyday activities like vacuuming or even lighting a cigarette create all types of pollutants from dust to smoke. Mold and mildew are some of the most troublesome allergens, as they can spread quickly if left unchecked. If not detected early enough this could lead to serious health risks for those living there - so get testing before things spiral out of control!

Did you know that the air your family breathes could be filled with contaminants? Luckily, there are plenty of actions to take in order to improve indoor air quality. This includes regularly changing and cleaning your home's filters; ensuring adequate ventilation; dusting, mopping & vacuuming frequently; washing linens plus bathing Fido! But why not get serious about improving their health by investing in professional Air Duct Cleaning - so pollutant particles have no chance against clean-air victory for everyone at home!

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