
Popular Questions

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  • Why should I clean my air ducts?

    Two main reasons are indoor air quality and energy savings. While dirty ducts don’t necessarily mean unhealthy air in the home, they may be contributing to larger health issues or harboring contaminants that could cause serious problems for people with respiratory health conditions, autoimmune disorders, or some environmental allergies. HVAC system cleaning may help systems to run more efficiently by removing debris from sensitive mechanical components. When the HVAC system is clean, it doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain the temperature you desire. As a result, less energy is used, leading to improved cost-effectiveness. Clean HVAC systems are also less likely to break down and thus have a longer life span, saving you money in the long run.

  • Do I need to have my HVAC system cleaned?

    NADCA’s rule of thumb for consumers is that “if your air ducts look dirty, they probably are,” and that dirty HVAC systems should be inspected by a reputable, certified HVAC professional.

  • How often should I have my HVAC system cleaned?

    Frequency of cleaning depends on several factors, not the least of which is the preference of the homeowner. Some of the things that may lead a homeowner to consider more frequent cleaning include: smokers in the household, pets that shed high amounts of hair and dander, water contamination or damage to the home or HVAC system, residents with allergies or asthma who might benefit from a reduction of indoor air pollutants in the home’s HVAC system, after home renovations or remodeling, prior to occupancy of a new home.

  • Why is my dryer taking so long to dry clothes?

    As the dryer duct becomes obstructed with collected lint, drying time increases. A clean, unobstructed dryer exhaust duct system improves operating efficiency of the dryer appliance.

  • Do you clean dryer’s that exhaust to the rooftop?

    Yes, we do! We clean the entirety of the dryer duct system, from the exhaust of the dryer appliance to where the exhaust terminates, whether that be to the side of the house, underneath the house, or to the rooftop.

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